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Policy Details

Has a previous insurance

Has your previous medical malpractice insurance application declined, premium increased, special restrictions imposed, terminated or not renewed?
Provide details

Have any claims or suits for malpractice been made against the proposer or any of his partners, assitants, nurses or technicians during the past five Years?

Provide details

Is the proposer or any of his partners, assistants, nurses or technicians aware of any circumstances or incidents which may result in a claim?

Provide details

Are You Politically Exposed Person (PEP)?

PEP is a member of the royal family or has currently in a public position or tasks in the state such as a head of state - senior government official - minister - senior military - judge - the senior executive for an institution or a state owned corporation - person who’s assigned for an administrative position in an International organization– or a first degree relative of the mentioned above.

Summary and Payment

Product Summary

  • ProductProduct Name
  • ID NumberID Number
  • NameName
  • Policy Start Date12/12/2020
  • Profession12/12/2020
  • Policy Duration12/12/2020
  • Policy Expiry Date12/12/2020
  • Liability LimitText

  • Insurance Premium1000 SAR
  • Extended Reporting Period Fees1000 SAR
  • Policy Issuance Fees1000 SAR
  • Promotion Disc.1000 SAR
  • Value-added Tax (15%)1000 SAR
  • Total Insurance Premium1000 SAR
  • Total Amount1000 SAR

Payment Details


Select Payment Method
Debit/Credit Card.

About Medical Malpractice insurrance