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Personal Information

Personal Information
ID Type
ID Number
Expiry Date *
Marital Status *
First Name
Father Name
Grand Father Name
Family Name
Date of Birth (Hijri)
Date of Birth (Gregorian)
First Name in english *
Middle Name in english
Last Name in english *
Who pays the subscription? *
Policy Number
National Address
Building Number
Additional Number
Street Name
Postal Code
Country *
Home Country Address
Home Country *
House *
Street *
City *
Postal Code *

Contact info

Country of Birth *
Nationality *
Contact Information
Phone Number - Home
Phone Number - Work
Mobile Number *
Email *

Are you a person from the United States of America?


Are you a tax resident in any country or countries outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?


Financial info

Financial Information

Do you have an additional source of income?

Please select the source of income

Type of operation

What is the expected annual volume of the Policy transactions (for the protection and savings account)
Type of operation
Do you expect to deposit additional amount in your account for protection and savings?
Times per year *
Amount per year *
Type of operation
Do you expect to increase the contribution amount?
Times per year *
Amount per year *
Type of operation
Do you expect to make a partial withdrawal from your Net Asset Value account?
Times per year *
Amount per year *
What is the purpose of your subscription?

Do you have other insurance documents with insurance companies in the Kingdom?

Attach documents

Attach copy of the applicant ID *

Attached IBAN document

Attach copy of the annual income and additional income sources

Attach copy of the Individual to be covered ID *

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Self-Certification Certificate Form *

Common Reporting Standard (CRS) self-certification form *

About Protection & Savings insurrance